Good-Natured Tech Support

We have a reputation for delivering help when it’s needed. Many of Brown Wing Studio’s clients retain Robin on an ongoing basis for years after their websites go live. We offer guidance for clients of all levels of tech-savviness. Whether you’re not sure if you’ve just received a phishing email or you think your website is running slowly, we’re here for you when you need help.

We Do Sleep Though

We need to be up front about one thing: Robin is a human with a life outside of work. She does not check her email, voicemail, or social accounts when she’s not in her office. She sometimes leaves her desk during business hours to meet with clients. She even takes the occasional vacation.

A support package from Brown Wing Studio is not a 24/7/365 service agreement. If you need a team to be on call at all hours of the day and night, we are not the solution for you.

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One-Time Support Fees

Robin can help with many website or design-related need at the cost of $125/hour. Time is billed in 15 minute increments. There is a minimum 1 hour charge for work on websites she did not build. (There is no minimum for established clients.)

Retainer Packages

When you buy a retainer package, you are entering into an ongoing relationship with Brown Wing Studio. You will enjoyed a reduced hourly rate in exchange for paying in advance to retain a defined amount of Robin’s time each month. You will also enjoy faster turnaround time and guaranteed availability. Our packages start at $30/mo. Set up a consultation to learn more.

Need Some Quick Help?

We’re happy to chat! Drop us a line at Robin will get back to you with more information on how to proceed. That said, please see the above about availability. We are not a 24/7 tech supprt service.