Anyone with internet access could set up a website using a free service in about an hour. So why would you spend time and money working with someone like Robin?
There is one simple reality to being online: Free services are never free. If you’re not paying for something, that means you are the product. The most important thing a modern website must do is load quickly on every type of device. Each service you add to your website comes at a cost. Did you know Google Analytics will track your users with third-party cookies that don’t comply with modern privacy laws? Did you know that search engines are increasingly less likely to favor websites that load slowly on phones? Did you know that even paid website builders loads their sites down with bloated scripts and invasive tracking codes that you cannot remove?
Building a good website is harder than ever because it’s so easy to get misled into thinking the bells and whistles are the important part. The costs of using a drag and drop website builder are well-hidden. Meanwhile, it’s incredibly difficult to keep a website lean, focused, and fast.
At Brown Wing Studio, Robin Deutschendorf is dedicated to building websites that don’t violate the trust of their users. She seeks to find a balance between function, cost, and privacy.
Our packages range from $2,500 for a simple website to $15,000+ for full-service creative. We provide customized quotes for free.